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Send us a Note

1 Old Gardner Rd, Winchendon, Ma ,01475

(978) 582-7311

Thanks for submitting!

Does Winwood have the wood you want?

We might! Describe what you need and we'll look through our collection for a close match to your specifications. Then come visit!

We strive to answer within an hour or two of receiving a message, but sometimes our team gets hyper-focused on production. Need an answer urgently? Give us a call if you don't hear back within a day!

Thickness, Width, Length, Quantity, Flat/Rift/Quartersawn, Etc.

We've got to respond to you somehow.

Phone calls are great for complicated requests

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Winwood Sawmill mills, kiln dries and stocks 20+ wood species. Over 95% of our wood inventory is sourced from Massachusetts tree service companies. We yield high-quality lumber and slabs from "salvaged" trees across Ma. Sustainability and diversity are important.

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Winwood Sawmill, LLC DBA Paton's Lumber Mill, Sawmill, Winchendon, MA